
Soon: SmartCalc.CTM Version 1.2

A new Version of SmartCalc.CTM will be available soon! New Features:

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Webinar on half cells and shingling

SmartCalc.CTM Analysis of Half cell and Shingles Modules is introduced Max Mittag. Review the webinar by following the link.

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35th EU PVSEC 2018

New features and models developed for SmartCalc.CTM have been published. Find our papers in the proceedings of the the 35th EU PVSEC 2018: “Mosaic module concept for cost-efficient and aesthetic BIPV modules” (Mittag et al.) “A multidimensional optimization approach to improve module efficiency, power and costs” (Shahid et al.) “Rapid calculation of the backsheet coupling gain using ray groups” (Pfreundt et al.)

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World Confercence on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC-7)

Once every 4 years, three international photovoltaic technical conferences, the Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC), the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC) and the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (IEEE PVSC) merge into a global photovoltaic energy technical forum: the World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion. Max Mittag presents SmartCalc.CTM and our latest approaches to cell to module analysis. The focus of his poster presentation is the extension of our analysis methodology towards full wafer to system yield predictions.

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© Foto Solar Research Institute of HIT

9th Performance Modelling and Monitoring Workshop

The 9th PV Performance Modeling Collaborative (PVPMC) Workshop to be held in Weihai, China on December 5th and 6th 2017, is co-organized by the Solar Research Institute of HIT, Fraunhofer ISE and Sandia National Laboratories. SmartCalc.CTM and selected cell-to-module anaylsis results will be presented by Max Mittag. The workshop brings together solar PV professionals and researchers to learn about and discuss PV performance modeling. It is an interactive workshop that provides valuable information for modelers, model developers, and other users of PV performance model results.

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SmartCalc.CTM Version 1.1.4

A new version of SmartCalc.CTM is now available. Free Demo Version & New Licensing scheme If you have an existing SmartCalc.CTM license, installing the now realeased demo version will automatically unlock the full feature suite of SmartCalc.CTM Version 1.1.4 GUI improvements and more Help We added hover tooltips to guide you through all the customization options, extended the help documentation and created more explanatory images Update on XML-files Changes for clarification of parameter names

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SmartCalc.CTM Demo Version avaliable

The demo version of SmartCalc.CTM with selected features and materials is now avaliable. With the SmartCalc.CTM Demo Version gains and losses for common PV modules can be analyzed. Materials and parameters can be edited in the graphical user interface or loaded from a library. In this way it is possible to optimize modules, single components or design parameters. SmartCalc.CTM has been developed for R&D purposes as well as a tool for end-users in product development.

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New features announced at EU PVSEC

New features and models which are implemented in SmartCalc.CTM will be presented at the EUPVSEC in Amsterdam. For more information visit the talks by Max Mittag on “Analysis of Backsheet and Rear Cover Reflection Gains for Bifacial Solar Cells” (1AO.2.3), “Electrical and Thermal Modeling of Junction Boxes” (5DO.5.5) and on “TPedge: Progress on Cost-Efficient and Durable Edge-Sealed PV Modules” (1CO.1.4).

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Free demo version coming soon

A free demo version of SmartCalc.CTM with selected features and materials will soon be released. With the tool you will be able to calculate cell-to-module losses for standard modules with custom design and cell layouts using a variety of materials. The download will be available here on our website as soon as it is released.

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Heckert Solar uses SmartCalc.CTM

Heckert Solar GmbH, one of Germanys leading manufacturers of PV modules located in Saxony, used the developed software SmartCalc.CTM to significantly improve the power output for a new line of PV modules by 0.5%. Heckert Solar is convinced that the use of SmartCalc.CTM will continue to contribute to further developments to optimize and improve module power in the future. “For our customers we want to deliver the maximal possible power. SmartCalc.

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